martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

What We Do?

The photografy marked a before and after in the history of humanity. The possibility of capture a moment for eternity just ended an age and started another; the age of instantaneity.

In hisotry exists a lot of important pictures that have importance, but my favortie of all th
em all is the capture when a soviet soldier rises a flag of URSS over the Reichstag, taking one of the most popular photos of the WW2, called "Raising a flag over the Reichstag".

"Raising a flag over the Reichsatg"; 1945, Berlin

This pic was taken on 1945 by Yevgeni Jaldéi, showing the rise of the URSS over Nazi Germany at the end of the war, with a nefarious landscape. But this image is actually a montage, did 2 days after the capture of the parliament because when the strike was given, it was too risky to take it, so Soviets decided to take the pic after, representing wthat hanppened that day. This is one of my favorites pictures of all for what it's represents, fight,blood and victory.

Focusing on my, i like to take pics, i usually dont do it because i dont have much time to do it, but when i do it i enjoy a lot capturing moments to be seen in the future. Generally i take photos of landscapes but also i take portraits... on landscapes :). My favorite pic taken by me is this. I like it because it was a lucky strike, just the right time when birds crossed across the bubble. Randomness, as everything in life...

4 comentarios:

  1. The comunism marks a before and after in the history of humanity, nice picture, i can see the ideology embodied in that.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. soyuz nerushimi respublik svovodnik splotila naveki velikaya rus!


Round we go

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