martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

Let reading Humans lie

Aaah, *breathing sounds* the septime art, the future of narrative, i can't imagine this era without cine.
Starting with cine, i love a lot of memorable movies, like "Guardians of the Galaxy", "Django Unchained" (and all Tarantino's films), "Big Hero 6", etc.... But my favorite movie of all is

"La vitta è Bella".
 This is an italian movie made in 1997, directed, written and starring by Roberto Benigni, telling the history of nazi invasion in Italy and life of Guido Orefice. This was one of the first movies that touch the "nazi conflict" and, in my opinion, what makes great this movie is how life evolves, change , and whatever happens, Guido is always smiling :), doing everything to protect his family. I remember when i watch this                                                                                         movie for first time at 14 years old, and                                                                             i'm not going to lie you,  i literally cried a river ),: .

Talking about books, i really really enjoy and love the writings of Diaz Eterovic, but unfortunately for him, my favorite book is "Ensayo Sobre la Ceguera" by José Saramago and its sequel "Ensayo sobre la Lucidez", but i'm gonna focus on the first one. This novel relates a world where an epidemy makes people blind and everything goes on chaos and destruction. This dystopian universe reveals the true nature of humans, making us see the savagery of own people. I read this master piece 4 years ago, and every time i read it again i discover new things and interpretations of the same.

I like and i recommend these pieces because both shows how it actually is the human, cruel, friendly, selfish, corrupt, altruistic and savage, but human after all.

2 comentarios:

  1. I have to admite that the end of "La vitta é Bella" makes me cry, it´s contain is very complex and powerful, a spectacular movie.


Round we go

Ahh, look where we are, writing, reading, analizing each word of this post at moment. Sincerely I'm really glad with this experience, it...