martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

Give Life Back To Music

In my opinion, the music is most human feature that we have. I can't say a culture that didn't have a kind of music, no matter the primitive it was, music is music.

Can you imagine a world without music? i'll tell you, it would be one of the most boring apocalyptic dystopia  of all. A grey world where nobody is enjoying the pleasure of human creation.

Now, talking about me, i grew up with Latin Rock, with bands like Los Prisioneros, Soda Stereo, Los Enanitos Verdes, Charlie Garcia and others. This kind of music, clean, sweet and critical in some cases helped me to understand the world where i was and the injustices of the life.
Later (when i was 13) i started to listen other kind of music, like Classic Rock, Reggaeton, French House, and Classic Music, a mix of music for every situation, because i understood that you can't have only a style, only a favorite music, because most of the time you must relationate with people that don't like your music and vice versa.

As i just said, my favorites gender music are French House, Reggaeton and Classic Music, and, if you ask me, i don't dislike any kind of music, of course i listen one most than others, but i can listen Pop and Neo Progressive Hard Heavy Metal and both will like me :).
Talking about artists, my favorites are Fedez, who sings italian rap, Daft Punk, the maximum exponent of French House, Los Prisioneros, the band that moved an entire country, and Bryant Myers

About instruments, my favorites are arp, violin and double bass, the sound of the three is sweet, marvelous and extremely unique. Regrettably, i don' play any of those ):, the instruments that i play are piano and bass, and not in a professional way.

On memories, music can bring you many journeys, and one of those is the journey through movies. Movies have main theme, and that is what you most remember of the movie in most of cases. One of my favorites movies for example, Guardian of the Galaxy, have the main theme "Escape" (Piña colada song) and every time i hear it, i remember Starlord flying i space... with style.

2 comentarios:

  1. Daft Punk is a good band. I danced a song from them last year

  2. Daft Punk is a really good band, the have a lot of hits


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