martes, 18 de abril de 2017

Why im here

Well... Sincerely when i was 17 is started to really think about my future. My preferences were always to a scientistic area, like being on a laboratory, but also i love medicine, interact with patients, explore the human body. So, i was looking for a career that satisfy both preferences, and i found it...
Pharmacy Chemist.

To be honest, when i prepared the PSU, i was looking for bachiller studies, with the idea to ascend to medicine, because being a physician i could work on both preferences. But unfortunately, i didnt get it, so my second option was decisive, i was in Pharmacy Chemist.

If you ask me, why Universidad de Chile?. Well, hmm, the answer is simple. i have gratuity, so is less weight on my family, being that my sister will enter to university in 2 years time and my brother graduates in 2 more year from now.

When i was younger, like 8 or maybe 10 years old, i used to imagine myself working on investigations, making new chemicals. nothing too far from what i will do :).

5 comentarios:

  1. Great story Ale! I hope you enjoy this beautiful carrear.

  2. cool history bro, we should talk more about this :)

  3. I pretty sure you will love this carrer

  4. I really like how do you think about the life:). See you in the lab!!

  5. I really like how do you think about the life:). See you in the lab!!


Round we go

Ahh, look where we are, writing, reading, analizing each word of this post at moment. Sincerely I'm really glad with this experience, it...