martes, 30 de mayo de 2017

Let the storm follow in my wake

One os the most important genius along history, and his legacy is hidden in darkness...

Nikola Tesla was an avant-garde, electric engineer, inventor, mechanical engineer, and physics that born on 1856 in Austrian Empire and died on 1943 at the age of 87 years old in the United States.
Tesla was the inventor of Alternating Current, the Tesla Coil, Neon Light, Asynchronous Motor, etc..,
inventions that today we are still using its a lot. 

Tesla and his Wardenclyffe's Tower
On my opinion, the most important invention of Tesla was the Wardenclyffe's Tower. that tower was the culmination of his works, a visionary idea that meant to transmit electrical energy around the world, crossing oceans, making energy for an infinite number of times without cost, providing humanity of infinite and clean energy. But this invention was destroyed and hidden from the people by the powerful businessmen, the owners of electricity to avoid the end of his business. 

Heh, why I like him? Because he was a true philanthropist, a glorious genius that worked for science and the progress of human, without interest on money, only in knowledge, showing to the world that anything is possible. 

martes, 23 de mayo de 2017

Let reading Humans lie

Aaah, *breathing sounds* the septime art, the future of narrative, i can't imagine this era without cine.
Starting with cine, i love a lot of memorable movies, like "Guardians of the Galaxy", "Django Unchained" (and all Tarantino's films), "Big Hero 6", etc.... But my favorite movie of all is

"La vitta è Bella".
 This is an italian movie made in 1997, directed, written and starring by Roberto Benigni, telling the history of nazi invasion in Italy and life of Guido Orefice. This was one of the first movies that touch the "nazi conflict" and, in my opinion, what makes great this movie is how life evolves, change , and whatever happens, Guido is always smiling :), doing everything to protect his family. I remember when i watch this                                                                                         movie for first time at 14 years old, and                                                                             i'm not going to lie you,  i literally cried a river ),: .

Talking about books, i really really enjoy and love the writings of Diaz Eterovic, but unfortunately for him, my favorite book is "Ensayo Sobre la Ceguera" by José Saramago and its sequel "Ensayo sobre la Lucidez", but i'm gonna focus on the first one. This novel relates a world where an epidemy makes people blind and everything goes on chaos and destruction. This dystopian universe reveals the true nature of humans, making us see the savagery of own people. I read this master piece 4 years ago, and every time i read it again i discover new things and interpretations of the same.

I like and i recommend these pieces because both shows how it actually is the human, cruel, friendly, selfish, corrupt, altruistic and savage, but human after all.

martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

What We Do?

The photografy marked a before and after in the history of humanity. The possibility of capture a moment for eternity just ended an age and started another; the age of instantaneity.

In hisotry exists a lot of important pictures that have importance, but my favortie of all th
em all is the capture when a soviet soldier rises a flag of URSS over the Reichstag, taking one of the most popular photos of the WW2, called "Raising a flag over the Reichstag".

"Raising a flag over the Reichsatg"; 1945, Berlin

This pic was taken on 1945 by Yevgeni Jaldéi, showing the rise of the URSS over Nazi Germany at the end of the war, with a nefarious landscape. But this image is actually a montage, did 2 days after the capture of the parliament because when the strike was given, it was too risky to take it, so Soviets decided to take the pic after, representing wthat hanppened that day. This is one of my favorites pictures of all for what it's represents, fight,blood and victory.

Focusing on my, i like to take pics, i usually dont do it because i dont have much time to do it, but when i do it i enjoy a lot capturing moments to be seen in the future. Generally i take photos of landscapes but also i take portraits... on landscapes :). My favorite pic taken by me is this. I like it because it was a lucky strike, just the right time when birds crossed across the bubble. Randomness, as everything in life...

martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

Give Life Back To Music

In my opinion, the music is most human feature that we have. I can't say a culture that didn't have a kind of music, no matter the primitive it was, music is music.

Can you imagine a world without music? i'll tell you, it would be one of the most boring apocalyptic dystopia  of all. A grey world where nobody is enjoying the pleasure of human creation.

Now, talking about me, i grew up with Latin Rock, with bands like Los Prisioneros, Soda Stereo, Los Enanitos Verdes, Charlie Garcia and others. This kind of music, clean, sweet and critical in some cases helped me to understand the world where i was and the injustices of the life.
Later (when i was 13) i started to listen other kind of music, like Classic Rock, Reggaeton, French House, and Classic Music, a mix of music for every situation, because i understood that you can't have only a style, only a favorite music, because most of the time you must relationate with people that don't like your music and vice versa.

As i just said, my favorites gender music are French House, Reggaeton and Classic Music, and, if you ask me, i don't dislike any kind of music, of course i listen one most than others, but i can listen Pop and Neo Progressive Hard Heavy Metal and both will like me :).
Talking about artists, my favorites are Fedez, who sings italian rap, Daft Punk, the maximum exponent of French House, Los Prisioneros, the band that moved an entire country, and Bryant Myers

About instruments, my favorites are arp, violin and double bass, the sound of the three is sweet, marvelous and extremely unique. Regrettably, i don' play any of those ):, the instruments that i play are piano and bass, and not in a professional way.

On memories, music can bring you many journeys, and one of those is the journey through movies. Movies have main theme, and that is what you most remember of the movie in most of cases. One of my favorites movies for example, Guardian of the Galaxy, have the main theme "Escape" (Piña colada song) and every time i hear it, i remember Starlord flying i space... with style.

Round we go

Ahh, look where we are, writing, reading, analizing each word of this post at moment. Sincerely I'm really glad with this experience, it...