martes, 6 de junio de 2017

Maybe...This... Oh No No no

Currently, i have 5 subjects at university, but honestly all of those are boring, up till now, except one; "Laboratory Techniques". In this class we do a lot of experiments, related to typical process in chemical laboratories. Also we have some tests most of the classes, so its important to study day to day.

I like this subject because is the only "practical" subject of all, so that makes it special or "fun" so to speak. And for some people who never had laboratory classes at them school, this is a new experience, maybe awful sometimes, but very useful in the future.
To be honest, all my subject are theoretical and that makes them boring most of the time, even Laboratory Techniques have a theoretical class at the beginning. In my opinion, this is why i found special and interesting Laboratory Techniques, because is a breath, something different from the rest.

I hope in the future have classes similar to Laboratory Techniques, not necessary a laboratory experience, it can be outdoors  or maybe professional talks, but i hope they are different from the rest.

2 comentarios:

  1. the laboratories are so fun, with them we can understand so much things that happens everyday.

  2. Great post!
    I think the same than you, Laboratory Techniques is really fun and interesting.


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