martes, 4 de abril de 2017

How about a drink?

This history begins at September 04 of 1998, with the born of Ale Jon (I), an exceptional child who in a future will write this post. Currently he has 18 years old, he studies in Universidad de Chile the career Chemistry and Pharmacy. This person has 3 brothers, Duam (who is studying medicine), Ailiñ and Kimeln, who both are in school. Particularly, Ale has never been very close to his brothers or his parents, he always did everything alone without help, but he is very friendly with his friends, he appreciates them a lot,despite he not demonstrate it.

Things that he do?. Well, besides sleep and eat, he likes to play videgames (especially computer games)  and s̶h̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶o̶l̶e̶ make Memes. Ale also writes and reads. The most that he writes is poetry, telling his emotes and feelings through paper, and what he most reads are books of Diaz Eterovic and scientific papers.

So... What is he doing here?. Aha, he is here to tell about him, the daily daily, things that happen to him and that are very peculiar to not capture them. So basically this is the beginning of a series of unfortunate events or maybe miraculous episodies, who knows....
Who knows what secrets we'll uncover?

4 comentarios:

  1. Wow that so interesting, i want to hear more of this, jeje salu2

  2. Amazing story!! You're an interesting person and i like it a lot!

  3. I want to know that secrets, Ill be waiting your next post !

  4. Wow, that was a cool way to talk about you, I want to know what miraculous episode can be happen, I'll wait for your next blog, surely will be interesting :)

    My regards, have a good day ^^


Round we go

Ahh, look where we are, writing, reading, analizing each word of this post at moment. Sincerely I'm really glad with this experience, it...