martes, 25 de abril de 2017

Wanna read? you will love me

a long history, so many invents were made, some very useful, like the light bulb that change the history forever, and some very very useful, like the selfiestick. But, in my opinion, one of the best inventions along the history is the book. Just think about it for a minute. the books are the way the human shares the knowledge, how we know about ancient civilizations and how we learn.

The first time i read a book was when i was 8, and it was the dictionary, yes... i know that is not the best book that i can read, but when i was child, knows every single word of my language was completely fascinating and something that helps me to have a huge vocabulary.

Well, use a book isn't something difficult, just open it and read. The hard thing is have perseverance and patient, because sometimes you must read books that aren't of you interest. But also, the most important ability, according to me, is concentration, without concentration you will not understand a single word of what you are reading.

I read books daily. Poems, papers, literature and news are the most i read, because those are the books that more information have, well... depending the author, news can be trash or good stories.

Why i like books? Heh, just imagine that culture starts with books, the knowledge advances thanks to books, that is probable that thanks books, you are reading this, sit on your chair, drinking coffee in front of you computer. We owe our life to books.

Can you imagine a life, a history without books? Probably we would still being on caverns, being farmers and the only way to transmit information were stories and tales.

So let think about it. What would be life without books. Books are important and probably you must read more to appreciate them :)

martes, 18 de abril de 2017

Why im here

Well... Sincerely when i was 17 is started to really think about my future. My preferences were always to a scientistic area, like being on a laboratory, but also i love medicine, interact with patients, explore the human body. So, i was looking for a career that satisfy both preferences, and i found it...
Pharmacy Chemist.

To be honest, when i prepared the PSU, i was looking for bachiller studies, with the idea to ascend to medicine, because being a physician i could work on both preferences. But unfortunately, i didnt get it, so my second option was decisive, i was in Pharmacy Chemist.

If you ask me, why Universidad de Chile?. Well, hmm, the answer is simple. i have gratuity, so is less weight on my family, being that my sister will enter to university in 2 years time and my brother graduates in 2 more year from now.

When i was younger, like 8 or maybe 10 years old, i used to imagine myself working on investigations, making new chemicals. nothing too far from what i will do :).

martes, 4 de abril de 2017

How about a drink?

This history begins at September 04 of 1998, with the born of Ale Jon (I), an exceptional child who in a future will write this post. Currently he has 18 years old, he studies in Universidad de Chile the career Chemistry and Pharmacy. This person has 3 brothers, Duam (who is studying medicine), Ailiñ and Kimeln, who both are in school. Particularly, Ale has never been very close to his brothers or his parents, he always did everything alone without help, but he is very friendly with his friends, he appreciates them a lot,despite he not demonstrate it.

Things that he do?. Well, besides sleep and eat, he likes to play videgames (especially computer games)  and s̶h̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶o̶l̶e̶ make Memes. Ale also writes and reads. The most that he writes is poetry, telling his emotes and feelings through paper, and what he most reads are books of Diaz Eterovic and scientific papers.

So... What is he doing here?. Aha, he is here to tell about him, the daily daily, things that happen to him and that are very peculiar to not capture them. So basically this is the beginning of a series of unfortunate events or maybe miraculous episodies, who knows....
Who knows what secrets we'll uncover?

Round we go

Ahh, look where we are, writing, reading, analizing each word of this post at moment. Sincerely I'm really glad with this experience, it...